
Bang Khung Camp

Bang Khung Camp

Upon arrival at the camp site, you will see a replica of the wall built to commemorate the battle. This camp is a historic Thai naval camp. After the Second Ayutthaya incident. In 2310BE, King Taksin the Great invited the army to camp at Bang Kung district, called Bang Kung Camp, because Mae Klong was the route the Burmese army used to march. he built the wall encircled this temples to be the anchor of the spirit and worship of the military. In another name is Jeen Bang Kung Camp. He gave the names to these soldiers, Pakdee Asa (which mean loyalty volunteer). The hilight is the boxer sculpture in front of the camp. In the year 2311, the king of Angwa led troops through Kanchanaburi to the camp. King Taksin the Great and his closer soldier, Phra Maha Montri (Boonma), join forces to expel the Burmese army. It is a Thai military camp that created a fierce regiment for the Burmese Army, he morale of the Thai people. And it was the first war in Thailand with Burma after the founding of King Taksin the Great with Thon Buri as the capital.