
Sa Kamphaeng Noi Khmer Ruins

Sa Kamphaeng Noi Khmer Ruins

Sa Kamphaeng Noi Khmer Ruins, located in Wat Sa Kampaeng Noi, Ban Klang, Tambon Khayung, The Khmer Ruins comprises laterite stupa and chapel with a big pond at front, all are in the embrace of laterite wall. Once it had a stone carved lintel depicting ‘the Varun God’, the god of rain, siting on the throne above three swans. The carving was placed over kirtimukha. The Khmer Ruins in Bapuan is dated back to the 16th
Buddhist Era. At the first place, it was used for religious purpose. In the 18th Buddist Era, under the reign on King Chaya Varama VII, Bayon Architectural style was added. During such time, the ruins was called ‘Arokaya Sala’ to be served as community hospital.To get there: The Khmer Ruins is 8 Kilometres from Si Sa Ket city, on the right of highway 226
(Si Sa Ket-Uthumphon Phisai).