
Wat Tham Kham

Wat Tham Kham

Located on a mountain called Phu Kham, or Phu Kham Kham, part of PhuPhan Range, this temple was once the main meditation space for venerated monk Achan Fan Acharo. He stayed here until 1964, and then moved to Wat Pa Udom Somphon as he fell ill.The temple also houses the ashes of Phra Achan Thet Thetrangsi, a widely respected monk, prompting many Thais to make the long journey to the temple to pay homage to his ashes. To get there, takeHighway No. 22 for 22 kilometers. Turn left and keep going for other 10 kilometers. The temple shares its entrance with Phra That PhuPhek (a pagoda); turn right at the entrance and continue for 30 kilometers further to get to the temple itself.